Friday, July 30, 2010

August - The Spring Time is Coming

August is coming, days will be longer, bluer, blossums will appear, that cold chill of winter will whisper her end in our ear.
The Magpie will be choralling, the willy wagtail too, songmen in the night you will hear them, that their ballads are for you
That the fertile is rising, that nectar will come, that spring time and the flower will be blessed by the sun
And our fears of old winter, and of the age in our walk, won't seem so bleak or the thoughts of our talk
We know, and we've got to believe, that the clouds will pass by us... That winter is only a station that next stop is spring
and sweet is the memory of the hope that it brings.


At July 30, 2010 at 9:39 PM , Blogger Dr Mad Fish said...

Nice one Tim. So true, it's getting lighter aready. This part of spring is great for us, but later we get south-east winds and grey skys for day, weeks. But now is so beautiful down this way.

At July 31, 2010 at 7:34 PM , Blogger McCabeandco said...

Thank you for your comment. But, with a hint of jealousy, I add, you folk in the south have it beautiful most of the time. What do we have in Perth but a view to the suburbia sprawl and its perpetual grey tracks of its urban quest for spread and the bitumin encroachment of green. But those of you lucky enough to live in the south with your glimpses of the roaring sea, and the green infinity of towering karri and tingle and the elder brother 'borongorups' in the distance, and with 'four seasons in one day' (thanks Paul Kelly) kind of weather I say you're living in Eden. Sarah calls it Avalon and I think she's right. And it isn't just the sight of towering karri and giant tingle (although that drive past Beedelup - place of coals - National Park with its towering sentinel karri that border that road carry a vision of the sublime...) but what ever the weather its magical. And then there's the scent of humus, a mixture of decay and freshness, a scent of the wild...but here Spring is coming, August carries its own magic, and the birds both that magpie koolbardi and djitti-djitti willy wagtail carry the knowledge that all through the southwest, all through Australia?? they will be singing their tune in unison that the chill of winter is near its end.

At September 11, 2010 at 4:03 AM , Blogger sarah toa said...

Hello Tim, come and see the whales then ... they are still here! You write the country so well, thanks for all your words.


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