Thursday, October 23, 2008

The bees have gone

Beehive below the bush by the letter box where did they come from and where did they go?

The bees have gone 23rd Oct 2008
The bees have gone...that is they only hung around for three days and then leaped into motion once again swarming somewhere...
But in the days following their departure I felt something of sadness that they were no longer there.
A day or so after they had gone, I bent down to inspect where their hive had once been and noticed a number of white waxy markings on the stem from which they had hung.
I even noticed several disgruntled bees still clinging to the surrounding stems and I wondered, what if they had been left behind?
My neighbor had said that bees had ways and networks for getting back to their hive but now I am not altogether sure that that is matter how much I'd like to believe it.
Poor bees.


At October 24, 2008 at 6:39 AM , Blogger seedling said...

I had heard from my uncle who kept bees once, that when they swarn they are dividing a nest, to make a new colony.

Ive noticed it mostly happens around this time of year, maybe because of all the food its a good time :)

We often have swarms near us,Im not too keen on it personally, they tend to take up the hollowed spaces that are needed for the parrots.


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